Posted by : Joe Medlin Tuesday, December 16, 2014

So in my last post I mentioned how a close friend and I had decided to take on a rather hefty endeavor in starting our own business. To reiterate, this is not necessarily a start-up in the traditional sense. Actually it is in the traditional and very old school sense of the idea.  Neither of us have money to buy/rent an office type area, nor do we have the necessary experience to run a business on a major (or even minor) level, however we do have one thing that may counter the cons: ambition. Between the two of us we have already acquired a respectable knowledge, and our biggest goal through this is to learn and grow professionally. 
                That having been said, it has been an interesting experience already. Trying to balance a second job (that is honestly more than a job) with a full-time job, and then finding time for my wife and any friends who may still want to see me after so long is a hard thing to do, but I learned a long time ago nothing is achieved without true sacrifice.  I’m just grateful to have a wife and friends who understand and support me in that mindset.  Without them, I would have fallen long ago.
                We actually got an appointment from someone I didn't personally know, and rather quickly at that. To say I was excited or nervous would be a severe understatement, and I was thrilled to accept the offer.  I messaged the woman about her computer issues, and after some discussion she mentioned the problem was simple: her computer just wouldn’t turn on. That’s it. Not a problem, she just needs to plug in the power cord, maybe jimmy it a little bit to make sure its seated correctly. Wait, you already did that? Okay, try it in a different outlet. Different cord. This went on and on, and so I decided the only way to figure this out was to physically look at it myself. 

What do you mean it won't turn on? Did you push the button? Is the cord plugged in? (sigh) I'm on my way

                Well, then the topic of payment came up, ironically not of my own accord.  I asked a few diagnostic questions (which I still have yet to be answered), and the only reply I got was asking how much I would charge to look at the computer and fix it if necessary. So I figured I would just give her a really cheap, negotiable (I cannot stress that word enough) rate for diagnostics and parts/labor. ($20 for diagnostic, $40 + parts/labor). Well, suffice it to say, I never heard a single word in response.  I sent a follow up message, simply for the sake of professionalism,but as of yet there has been no response.
                There is one simple point to be made here, and it’s the same point I made above. You cannot achieve anything without sacrifice.  I lost a lot of time trying to prepare for any problem this woman’s computer may be experiencing, and it turned up to be a lost cause. On the same token, she could have paid me a fraction of what any true company would cost and I would have guaranteed fixed her computer, but she was not interested in paying at the time, and that is fine. However, her computer will not be able to be fixed until she either pays someone to do it, or unless she happens to have a friend who can do it for free. My guess would be not; otherwise she would never have asked me to begin with.

Okay, I'm ready. Where's that computer?

                As with most things in life, I look at this as a learning experience. And I have a feeling this is the first of a long line of rejections we are to face. Yet for every rejection, there will be a success. Those are the times we are striving for, and the times we will one day see. People have told me through my life that the things I want are foolish, and acted like I was dreaming, with my head in the clouds. But let me ask you one simple question. I’m currently 28 years old. Why can’t I run my own business? Given I obtain the education I am planning for (IT/Programming Bachelor’s, Business/Marketing classes or full degree) and have the drive to do it. Because no one I have personally known has done it, why does that mean it is impossible? Just chew on that for a little while.
                And when you get done with that, here’s a little more food for thought.  I have a coworker who is quickly becoming a friend. He is a middle-aged man, and has always had a passion for cinema. Every weekend, he is either at the movie theater, at home watching a new release On Demand, or both. For years he has toyed with the idea of being a film critic, wondering how fulfilling it would be getting paid for his hobby, his passion.  For years, he dismissed this idea as a fantasy, figuring it was impossible. (You are born in that type of life; maybe it’s too late, and what if I fail?) Then one day, he decided, “What the hell? You never know if you don’t try. And if I fail, at least I know.” He started his own film critique site, and then started advertising it. He took to Facebook ( and Twitter as well (@OneFilmFan). He has formed various connections with many major industry professionals, and then about a couple of weeks ago something rather miraculous happened.
                An indie film company based in Michigan recently asked him to be their exclusive news rep for their movies. Let me break that down for you: while this may not be a big name franchise, he is in the position to forge connections with possible up and coming actors/actresses. In this position, he is able to help them excel while possibly helping himself as well. He has direct contact with the directors, and is conducting interviews with both directors and actors regularly. This has been within the past year. Now, to be fair, this man has been relentless in his pursuit, and has a lot to show for it. And to be honest with you, he is a motivator to me, as I hope I am to him.
                If anyone ever tells you that your dream is stupid, that it won’t work or you can’t have it, just because you aren’t good enough, do yourself a favor and disregard that garbage. It’s not a cliché: you can do whatever the hell you want to do. If your dream is something exotic, say a Ben and Jerry’s ice-cream taster, then it may take a little more drive, but if you want it, then you will eat all the damn ice cream you have to in order to get there.  Don’t get me wrong, unless you are one of the lucky few (which if you are you obviously don’t realize you are), opportunity doesn’t come knocking. You have to go find it. And sometimes, it may be hiding. But when you find it, you realize all the blood, sweat and tears were worth it. You have your dream now. Just remember Roland’s Dark Tower. Everything he lost, but he finally made it. Roland made it to his Dark Tower. And I am going to make it to mine.

One day, I will be here too. Hopefully my journey will not require the same type of sacrifice.

{ 1 comments... read them below or add one }

  1. Steve Jobs talked about the walls in the world.


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