Posted by : Joe Medlin Tuesday, February 17, 2015

                I have personally been living in a very interesting time lately, and I mean that in the best of ways. Though I have had somewhat of a hiatus with the blog (as much as I hate that), it has actually been for a good reason this time. So I suppose I shouldn’t feel so bad then huh?
                To that end, I am pleased to say I have finally started posting fliers around town, in an effort to get my name and effort known and hopefully supported.  Seeing as how this is Phase One, I wanted to concentrate on the more easily obtainable spots, to make sure I would have the greatest success of posting at the very least. The last thing I wanted to do was spend my entire afternoon getting rejected and ridiculed.  I’ll save that for Phase Two.  Anyway, this trip mainly consisted of apartment complexes and the like: places that I knew small companies and individuals advertised with no resistance from the management of the facilities.  This one was rather easy. Since I have spent almost the first decade of my adult life in apartments, I would see these daily when checking my mail.  I am happy to report I have had moderate success, which is miles ahead of no progress by far.

See? I really did post them.  Now the fun part of waiting and hoping.  Oh boy...

                To be realistic, I wish I would have had a little more luck.  While riding around town, I perused somewhere around 8-9 complexes, and only a handful of those had the capability for me to post anything.  It seems this idea may be phasing out in certain areas, but I cannot say I blame them. While my intentions are obviously pure, there are many people whose intentions clearly are not, and it only takes one bad seed to ruin it for everyone. Furthermore, the idea of a cork board at the mailboxes doesn’t necessarily fit the classier theme of some of the upscale complexes that have started showing up here.  But I can say I put forth an honest effort and that within the next week or two I will hopefully have fliers posted at a few stores around town as well, pending owner permission of course.
                Though it has been said before, I feel it cannot hurt to remember why this is so important. For one, this is a great idea for raising funds for tuition to go to school.  I have very few options when it comes to paying for my tuition right now.  As I have commented in a previous post, many (if not all) community colleges in my oh so wonderful state of North Carolina have decided to opt out of federal funding, which puts them in a better light with the government, at the cost of my education, as well as that of many other students I am sure.  It’s not like I can just pay the tuition myself either. I’m looking at just shy of $5,000.00, and if I had that kind cash to spend, I probably wouldn’t even need to go to community college to begin with.
                While we’re on the topic, just in case you were wondering, we actually thought about getting a school loan from the bank to pay for the remainder of schooling.  My wife and I were going to sign up at somewhere, such as Wells Fargo or Bank of America (since they are among the most renowned and largest banks, we figured they would be our best bet), but they don’t offer school loans for community colleges, or at least not the one I am trying to finish out at.  We even considered a personal loan to finish it out, but that would put us in an even harder bind. Typically with school loans, you have a grace period after graduation to get settled and start making money (usually about six months) before they start expecting a return on their investment.  With a personal loan, the payments begin immediately, and I am not sure we are capable of holding down such a large payment on top of our normal bills.  Furthermore, we would need a cosigner, and while we can probably find someone to trust us enough to sign with us, I do not feel comfortable risking their credit along with mine.
Well, I would love to give you some money. Unfortunately, my hand does not seem to agree.

                Yet believe it or not, the tuition is by far not the only event that has led me to this conclusion.  I have been told on countless occasions that the only way I can get a job like what I want is to have some experience of sorts, such as possibly fixing computers for friends or family.  I am pretty sure that among the many suggestions I received from staffing agencies that did interview me, the idea of just offering computer repair to the community was one of the top.  After all has been said and done, the experience is just as important as the money, if not more so.  To be blunt about it, I’m tired of not knowing what I want to know about computers, which is why I have started studying harder and figuring out what I want to learn.  I may be a broken record, and I know many people are probably getting tired of hearing this, but I’m going to get where I want to be, and it’s going to be amazing. 
                The one thing I have always asked for from everyone is to never feel any pity for me. I have realized that though I am young, I have caused my situation to be as rough as it is. I have had opportunities I have squandered, and now with my wisdom gained in age, I regret that.  Yet though there is a time and a place for everything, this is not the time or place for regret.  This is the time to change.  I am aware that to some I may seem foolish, but in my mind I am determined.  Just think about this: I’m pretty sure Steves Wozniak and Jobs looked pretty foolish when they both dropped out of college and started their own projects, but these are the same “fools” that brought us Apple Inc.  So if I’m a fool, let me take it up one more step for you.  So the next time I feel like a fool, I will just remember that history has taught us the fools are simply those who fight risk with ambition and a touch of crazy, and make something beautiful out of it.

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