Posted by : Joe Medlin Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wow, so many things have happened lately, I just don’t know where to begin. Wait…I know!

                Yep, it happened. I actually passed the 220-801. No, that’s not quite enough. Let me try that again. I FREAKING PASSED!!! (With 82% to be exact) Yeah, that’s a little better. In all seriousness, that was the hardest exam I have ever taken, and I have been somewhere between exhilarating excitement and tears of happiness ever since. It really is surreal to think about everything that has happened in the course of this one test. Since the beginning of May I have been studying relentlessly to cram this information as well as I could.  There were so many times I honestly believed this was hopeless, that my efforts were in vain. How can you learn this without having someone teach you? Can you really do something so complex having not taken the proper classes? I am here to say it is possible, and though I am only halfway certified, I will have completed the last portion by March of next year, giving a little elbow room for whatever may happen.
Yeah, that seems about right.
Truth be told, a large part of the problem with the test itself came down to knowing how the test was structured, and therefore feeling unprepared, though I had the knowledge the whole time, as I soon figured out. What you have to remember is that when you study for these exams, you are learning about the technology, what it is and how it works. Now, that's all fun and good, but that's not what CompTIA is really concentrated on. What they want to know is can you utilize what you know and put to practice in a professional environment, if so required? For instance, when should you use a switch instead of a hub? Better yet, can you tell me why the printer is printing garbled text, or none at all? It's actually a very simple answer: the print drivers are bad. Simply reinstall the correct drivers and you're good to go. Once you realize the angle from which they come, you will have no problem passing these tests.     
 But I will say everything so far could have never happened without the massive support I’ve received from so many people. Every time someone shows interest in what I’m doing, and actually seems impressed, it boosts my morale in a way that I can never have too much.  To my friends who have told me you actually take time to read this blog, thank you. Seriously, thank you. Words don’t express the gratitude, the overwhelming joy I feel every time you tell me you read my last post. The same goes to any out there who I may not be aware of that take the same time to read and check in, and I hope that one day soon I can find who you are to show you the same thanks. To my friends, family, and most of all, my beautiful wife, thank you for picking me up when I just couldn’t do it anymore. Thank you for believing in me when I didn’t believe in myself. And thank you for telling me, constantly and repeatedly, that I could do this. Because now, I actually believe you, and just to have that makes this all worthwhile. It’s funny how everything can change with one simple passing grade, huh?

So What’s Next?

I’m glad you asked. It seems my next, and biggest, objective is a combination of passing school and completing my certification, both of which are nothing short of possible.
Speaking of the next test, I want to give you a brief overview of what is entailed in this exam. This one is the “fun” one for me, as the culmination of all my messing around, breaking and fixing computers over the years is finally coming into play. This exam mainly covers Windows operating systems XP, Vista, and 7. Before you ask, I know XP should not be included (it is borderline antiquated technology), but CompTIA wants you to know about this OS simply for historical purposes, and to better understand how Windows works. In all fairness, XP was an incredible machine in its time. In addition to those topics, general troubleshooting theory for software/hardware, networking, and printers  is also covered, which is honestly truly interesting and mesmerizingly fun stuff. So remember, when your computer won’t turn on, or your printer prints garbled text, who you gonna call?

GHOST-! Wait a minute...
School is right around the corner, but fortunately I have finally managed to practice proactivity for once in my life and get the ball rolling a little sooner than normal, giving me a little time to get everything together. I believe I mentioned in my last post the school of choice for finishing out my degree, but just in case you missed it, I have now been admitted to Central Piedmont Community College.  My plan right now is to finish out my Associate’s Degree in Software Integration with a concentration in Networking, since that is what most of my classes are counting towards. From there, I hope to be able to move on over to the University of North Carolina at Charlotte to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree. 
As of right now, all I have left to do is attend orientation, transfer my transcripts, register my classes, and apply for the loan (or otherwise figure out how to pay), and I will be registered for my last year of school, finally. Being so close not only to the goal, but also the deadline, I really hope things work out as planned, just this once. But my hope is that since we are playing it smart this time, maybe everything will be fine.
It’s honestly kind of scary though, you know? I mean, so many things are changing right now, and while it’s all for the better, I still have a hard time believing it’s actually happening. All of these things I’ve wanted for years and just never had the clarity to understand the way of getting to are actually happening right now.
Also in the name of productivity, I have also decided to try my hand at a little something new, though not too different. Anyone who knows me knows that the first thing I was ever passionate about in this world was video games; I have had a love for all kinds since the early age of four.   So, like so many people out there, I have found a way to turn my passion into something more constructive than just playing a game.
           I have decided to try my hand at console repair, just for kicks and giggles. I have spent thousands of dollars on consoles alone (not including the games for said consoles), and I have now realized that everything I have learned can be applied in a different direction to save oodles of money, not to mention allowing for greater customization and flexibility. 
            Funny enough, I actually found a PS2 sitting in a cupboard the other day (And it still powers on too! Can you believe it? I can’t!) that was originally retired due to a faulty laser (all too common from that generation). So I decided to take it apart to see what was inside, and in the process, systematically removed the laser. IF I decide to buy a new laser, since they are more than I expected, I have full confidence I can get this console working again. Hey, I may even mod it if I can find the right supplies online. Why not, right?   
           There have been a lot of changes happening in life, as I mentioned above, and not all of them are bad, if any, but all are difficult to deal with in their own way. Its been said that you know how worthwhile something is by how much you are willing to put up with in the process of getting to that goal. Well, this is one of the most worthwhile goals I have ever attempted, and I have never been more fulfilled.
                So that’s about the gist of what’s been happening since my last post, though I am sure there will be much more to follow soon, as so often seems to be the case.  By the beginning of next year I plan  to be certified, at which point life is going to take a turn into very new but equally exciting terrain. For the first time in my life, I am actually about to make my professional dreams come true. Better yet, I’m already there, making the dream happen right now. So do me a favor, a favor for yourself as well as me. Think about what you want in life. Decide where you want to be in a year, 5 years, 10 years. Think about what has to happen for you to get there, the things that must change. Then, make it happen. And let me know when you get there, or when you start, or even when you think about deciding. I would love nothing more than to share in your journey just like you have in mine.           

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